Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Categories of Electric Generators

!±8± Categories of Electric Generators

Looking to buy an electric
generator? Before you make the purchase, you should understand what kind
of electric generators are available so you make the right choice.

The first kind you might want to consider is the recreational generator. These
usually run a gas or diesel. A recreational generator is anywhere from 1000
to 3800 watts and is portable. A 1000-watter is only capable of running one
appliance at a time, like a coffee maker. To be more precise, you should check
the appliances for how many watts they use. As long as they don't surpass 1000
watts combined, then you can run them simultaneously. Do a quick check of the
appliances you want to run. If you don't mind running one appliance at a time,
then get a 1000 watt model. If you want to run 2,3, or 4 at a time, then get
a 3800 watt model.

The next category of electric generator is emergency power. Someone buying
this generator isn't interested in brewing a cup of coffee on a camping trip.
Rather, he or she wants to power up their house during a black out. These models
are generally portable as well, that is they come with wheels and you can move
them around. The big differences are the wattage and the price.

An emergency generator comes in wattages of 3000 to 17,500 and range in price
from 0 to 00. The higher wattage generators can handle all the appliances
in your home simultaneously, your stove, fridge, washer, dryer, lights, etc.
You'd have a hard time taxing out the 17,500-watt generator unless you had every
burner on the stove on and washer and dryer running.

The next category of electric generator is that used for professional jobs.
These generators run also from 3000 to about 17000 watts, but they are more
durable and therefore more pricy. On the low end they run 0, while the higher
wattage units can cost as much as 00. These generators are expected to get
more use than a recreational or emergency backup generator. Think about it!
The recreational or backup ones are only used occasionally. On the other hand,
the industrial strength generator may being running 8 hours a day everyday on
a construction site. This baby has to last a long time under strenuous working
conditions. If you plan on using your electric generator everyday, spend a few
more bucks and get a professional grade one.

The last category of electric generator could be considered standby power.
These kinds of generators are big and are not at all portable. They aren't even
measured in watts, but rather Kilowatts, and the cheapest models run about 00
while the upper end models can cost as much as ,000 and put out up to 100
kilowatts of power. That's 1/10 of a megawatt. That's a lot of power. Large
homes or commercial operations might have a need for this kind of generator.

So... there it is. These are the basic categories of electric generators. Which
kind do you need? Visit us.

Categories of Electric Generators

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